| Paul's blog ,Блог Gail

One role of community development is to assist your site staff with exploring resources and learning how to do as much of the process as possible by themselves.  The three NGOs that I work with are Flora (that works on children’s rights), MAMA86 (that works on water quality), and Territory of Success (that works on legal and advocacy issues).  It has been very enlightening to find that there were very knowledgeable staff who were skilled at grant writing and planning, as well as aware of the local community resources.  One area that I have been able to contribute is to help «connect the dots» as my old supervisor used to say when I was still working at the clinic as a geriatric social worker.  One of partner organizations works with homeless people with a history of substance abuse or who are IDPs (internally displaced people).  The organization has been in need of a well to provide potable water for drinking, bathing and cleaning but had been unable to locate a funding source willing to help.  Initial efforts to find sources of funding were unsuccessful and local authorities had no funds available.  So I put my thinking cap on (an old American expression) and thought about trying the Rotary Club.  Our initial meeting with the local club in Kirovograd went well and we are now completing the application and will be asking for funding for additional items needed by the shelters from Rotary Clubs internationally.  If we are successful, it will mean a lot more help for the shelters that we had originally anticipated, and that the initiative comes from a local source by local people.  Keep posted on the progress of our efforts.