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Kirovograd local branch NGO «MAMA86» conducted the analysis of the situation to ensure equal rights to water and sanitation on level in Kirovograd region within the project «Implementation of self-assessment to ensure the right to water and sanitation at the local level for the Kirovograd region according to the Agreement  in the period from November 2013 to January 2014.

The purpose of conducting self-esteem is to make assessment of the situation by the public to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation at the local level in Kirovograd region as the 2013.

To conducting the analysis it was used the self-assessment tool to ensure equal rights to water and sanitation at the national level, adapted to the regional level. Conducting a self-assessment at the regional level is a continuation of work of «MAMA-86» in the direction «Ensuring equal rights to water and sanitation».

Kirovograd local branch NGO «MAMA86» within the implementation of the project of self-assessment performed work on:

—          Gather information from regional authorities and structural units of State Sanitary Epidemiological Service in Kirovograd region.

—          Gathering information from public sources:










—          Conducting the analysis of the situation on the basis of received official data and information that was publicly available or was provided at the request of various organizations or the information which experts had.

—          Preparing a situation analysis to ensure equal rights to water and sanitation in the Kirovograd region (Situational analysis) by project experts based on the filling of self-assessment tool.


In filling the tool and providing the information next institutions took part:

—          The Department of Environment and Natural Resources of Kirovograd regional state administration;

—          The Department of Health of Kirovograd regional state administration;

—     The Department of Education and Science of Kirovograd regional state administration;

—  The Department of Housing and Communal Services of Kirovograd regional state administration;

—  Kirovograd Regional Department of Water Resources of the State Water Resources Agency;

—  The Department of SES in Kirovograd region.


In the work on situational analysis and filling instrument at national level such experts participated:

—          Dudnik Inga Vyacheslavovna, The human rights NGO «Territory of Success», the expert on consumer protection;

—          Gavrylenko Alexander, an expert on water and sanitation.

Generalization and editing of the analysis of the situation at the level of Kirovograd region implemented by Liudmila Shestakova, Kirovograd local branch NGO «MAMA86».

                                             The profile of the region — Kirovograd region according to the self-assessment tool

                                                                                  Socio-economic and industry data





     Population 988,2 thousand people 991,9 thousand people
  per capita (UAH) 19 918,00 The Department of Economics of the Regional State Administration
% of population with incomes below the national poverty line 39, 7
% of population living in cities 60 62, 5 The Department of Statistics
% of people living in countrysides 40 38 The Department of Statistics
Renewable freshwater resources(million m3 per capita) 121, 88 No data Eco-passport of the region
% of population without access to safe drinking water 13 The Department of housing and communal services ofKirovograd Regional State Administration
% of population without access to tapwastewater 21 The Department of housing and communal services ofKirovograd Regional State Administration
% of population without access to wastewater treatment system (at any level) 21 The Department of housing and communal services ofKirovograd Regional State Administration
Public financial resources used for water supply and sanitation sector 1566,836 Eco-passport of the region


As of December 1, 2013 in the region due to the estimate the population was 988.2 million people representing 2.2% of the total population of Ukraine. The part of urban population was 62.5%. In January-November 2013 the population decreased by 6984 persons per 1000 population which was 7.7 persons. Decreasing of number of population area was due to natural (5428 people) and migration reduction (1556 people).

Compared to January-November 2012, the volume of natural decrease of population increased by 10.3%. As per 1000 inhabitants its level increased from 5.4 to 6 persons which happened  mainly due to the decrease in the birth rate from 11.1 to 10.7 persons.
The mortality rate of the population in the area per 1000 population increased from 16.5 persons in January-November 2012 to 16.7 persons in January-November 2013.
Due to the change of registration of residence of the population in Ukraine, the so-called inter-regional migration in January-November 2013 the population of the region decreased in 2023 individuals. In the international exchange of populations the migration growth amounted to 467 persons.

The intensity of the overall declining of migration population of the region for eleven months of  2013 was 1.72 persons per 1000 inhabitants (January-November 2012 — 1.69 persons).






Section 1  

                                                          The principles of governance to ensure equal access to water and sanitation

                                                                                               Socio-economic and industry data


There are nine regional programs in Kirovograd region today which are approved by the Regional Council which directly relate to or connected with the question of equal rights to water and sanitation in the region.

—          The regional program of national ecological network in Kirovograd region for 2003-2015 № 141 of 24.01.2003

—          Strategy of economic and social development of Kirovograd region until 2015 № 95 of 24.11.2006

—          Regional program of reforming of housing and communal services of Kirovograd region for 2009-2014 № 824 dated 18.12.2009, the amendments № 188 of 23.09.2011, № 383 of 23.11.2012

—           Investment program OKVP «Dnipro-Kirovograd» for 2011-2015 № 169 of 19.08.2011

—          A new edition of the regional program «Central Region — 2015» № 231 of 28.12. 2011 the amendments № 575 of 12.27.2013

—          The regional target program «Drinking Water of Kirovograd region» for the years 2012-2020 № 264 of 17.02.2012

—          The regional target program of development of water management and environmental rehabilitation of the Dnipro River Basin for the period until 2021

—          The program of economic and social development of the region by 2013 № 412 from 21.12.2012 the amendments № 483 dated 14.06.2013

—          Investment program OKVP «Dnipro-Kirovograd» № 542 of 06.12.2013

Unfortunately, the above-mentioned environmental programs implemented at a minimum and the problem of drinking water quality is important for the Kirovograd region. The main problem of these programs is the lack of funding.

To solve the problems of the region with the provision of regional population with quality drinking water in 2012 regional program «Drinking Water of Kirovograd region in 2012-2020 years” was adopted. On 9 years of implementation program provides funding at the level of 223.27 thousand. per year.

Despite the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine, the relevance of the problem to be solved by the program entered, it did not receive any public comment. Therefore, municipalities were unable to influence the formation of the program and they did not have an opportunity to express their attitude to the problem and suggest the ways to solve it. In terms of limited resources the applications are often made for the «show» and do not provide any financing that does not help to solve the problem either in fact or in form. Moreover, the program involves the development of similar programs at the district level but to date there is no district program aimed at improving the quality and availability of drinking water for residents of rural areas.

The program is implemented the second year but the community do not know whether the funds allocated any money for the program or any activities were conducted because the representatives of the government of Kirovograd region do not report to the citizens for the implementation of programs.

Despite these challenges, social activity on the protection of the population remains extremely low. The main reason is lack of skill lobbying and participation in decision-making bodies among the public and regional NGOs.

But successful experience should be noted in government to attract investment of World Bank for the modernization of water and sanitation in the cities of Kirovograd region (Kirovograd, Alexandria, Znamenka) project of which involves:

—          Rehabilitation of water supply and wastewater treatment

—          Installation of an automated system with frequency control on the main sewage pumping station.

The discussion of the project starts from January 15, 2014 http://dnipro-kirovograd.com.ua/index.php?p=wb

In addition to measures for the construction and reconstruction of sewage treatment plants in the towns of the region from the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection in 2012 it was applied 1566.836 thousand UAH, namely:

—          for reconstruction of the land of the main collector on Miliceyskaya street in Alexandria town — 3.634 thousand UAH;

—          for the construction of a biological wastewater treatment plant in the village Petrove in Petrovsky district — 578.2 thousand UAH;

—          for the reconstruction of treatment facilities in the village Kompaniyvka — 566.36 thousand UAH;

—          for the reconstruction of treatment facilities of regional TB hospital in the village Ivano-Blagodatne in Kirovograd region — 25.942 thousand UAH;

—          for the overhaul the outer adjacent sewage apartment buildings in Bobrynets — 147.7 thousand;

—          for the reconstruction of sewage systems and networks, educational and residential buildings of Dobrovelychkivskaya and Malovyskivskaya boarding schools — 245.0 thousand UAH.

The funds from the State Fund for Environmental Protection in 2012 were not allocated — http://www.menr.gov.ua/index.php/protection/protection1/kirovogradska

The problem in the region is the improvement of the work of wastewater treatment of domestic sewage, reducing the discharge of insufficiently treated wastewater and protection of surface and groundwater from contamination. It is caused by a significant imbalance between the capacity of water intake and sewage facilities, by excessive depreciation of sewage treatment plants and sewer networks of communal enterprises.

In order to improve the quality of surface and groundwater including through the construction, reconstruction and modernization of treatment facilities 3299.8 thousand UAH were used from the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection in 2011 on the following environmental measures:

—          277,3 thousand UAH for the reconstruction of treatment facilities in Novomyrhorod town;

—          491.8 thousand UAH for the reconstruction of treatment facilities in Kompaniyvka village;

—          2076.2 thousand UAH for the construction of a biological wastewater treatment plant in  Petrove village in Petrovskiy district of  Kirovograd region;

—          166.5 thousand UAH for the reconstruction of the sewage pumping station number 4 on  Lunacharskogo street in Bobrynets town;

—          189.0 thousand UAH for the reconstruction of wastewater network of the central part of Alexandrovka village of Kirovograd region;

—          99.7 thousand UAH for the purchase of pump and processing equipment to replace such that has used its technical capabilities in wastewater treatment plants of Kirovograd Regional Psychiatric Hospital.

Funds for activities to reproduce the water resources from the State Fund for Environmental Protection in 2011 were not allocated — http://www.menr.gov.ua/index.php/protection/protection1/kirovogradska

Section 2

Questions of geographical inequalities in different dustricts of the Kirovograd  region

The region is impecunious with local water resources. Its hydrogeological conditions are low-favorable for the formation of groundwater because the region is in the area of Ukrainian crystalline massif. This is the reason that 30% of drilled wells are without water, others have low debits which makes it possible to provide basically only agricultural needs.

Significant amounts of underground water are served with a deviation from the standard of quality: have raised overall stiffness, content of solid residue, iron, manganese, nitrate and ammonium compounds. Objectively, there is a need of water supply over long distances.

The region has 12 cities and 27 towns (10 towns of which are the regional centers) population of 10 towns and 27 urban villages is provided by round the clock water supply.

Only in 271 or in 26.5% of the 1017 villages and towns of the region there are systems of water supply. Sewer network are built only in 0.49 % of the villages. In villages the amount of people provided with utility services does not exceed 31%. About 21% of water systems are in emergency condition and a quarter of sewer networks are depreciated.

Population of 26 human settlements of the southern districts of the region use imported water, 70% of the population uses water from wells the quality of which in most cases does not correspond to separate indicators requirements of sanitary norms.

According data granted by regional health department four residential establishments in the region («Regional Tuberculosis hospital», “Regional Tuberculosis Sanatorium for adults”  in Znamianka town, «Staroosotskyy Regional Children’s Tuberculosis Sanatorium» and «Ulyanovsk Tuberculosis Dispensary» have no water supply and sewerage and use water from local wells, and Ustynivska central regional hospital in general use imported water. According to data provided by the Department of Education and Science of Kirovograd region 5 comprehensive schools of the region from rural areas where 329 students are training and 60 teaching staff is working are not provided with a central water supply. In 2014 it is planed to connect to a central water supply and sanitation of these schools but at the expense of local budgets and socially responsible business.


Section 3

                                                                             Ensuring of access for vulnerable and marginalized groups

                                                                    Quantitative information on vulnerable and marginalized groups

  2012 2013  
% of public facilitiesprovided with conditions ___

and sanitation accessible to persons with disabilities

No data No data  
% of schools with sufficient and appropriate services __and sanitation 59 60 Letter from the Department of Education of Kirovograd regional state administration from 15/01/2014
% of hospitals with sufficient and appropriate services __ 89 89 Letter from the Department of Health of  Kirovograd regional state administration from 01/23/2014
% of prisons with sufficient and appropriate services 100 100 The report of Kirovograd regional supervisory commission
% of people without permanent residence with access to water and sanitation through public facilities 0 0 Letter from  Kirovograd City Council from 3/11/ 2013
The number of people without access to water and sanitation living in areas where such access is No data No data  
Public funds that have been spent on providingaccess to water and sanitation for vulnerable and marginalized groups No data No data  


At the beginning of the third millennium the problem of homelessness has become such an extent that not noticing it was impossible and even dangerous. While the problem of homeless people, their marginal status and associated with it antisocial lifestyle provoke repulsive attitude towards them by ordinary citizens. They are invisible to the authorities: they do not see them do not want to know and hear about them.

Official statistics do not reflect the real situation.

There is no institution or institutions which could take care to homeless people in Kirovograd region. Kirovograd is the only regional center in the state where is no suitable institution. http://www.kr-admin.gov.ua/start.php?q=News1/Ua/2013/11121305.html

There is even no registration center for homeless that make it impossible to get the data how many homeless people live in Kirovograd region. According to informal data of  non-governmental organizations that deal with homeless people in Kirovograd city and in the  region currently there are more than 1,000 people without a specific city residence (homeless).

Kirovograd has no municipal institutions to provide services of bath in the sphere of consumer services for the poor citizens of the city and region. The city has no special place where homeless people have access to water and sanitation. But not indifferent civic and charitable organizations of the city united and provide all possible assistance: organize food, clothing and pick products and do not give rest to the government.

In 2012, at the expense of charities based on SES place where homeless people can have a wash was organized but this year, unfortunately, this option does not work.

Also I would like to mention the fact that penitentiary institutions in Kirovograd region 100% connected to the WS and D and water in some schools is on schedule.

                                                                                                                     Section 4

                                                           The affordability of prices for services water supply and drainage

The average fee for water supply (WS) and drainage (D) in the region (UAH / year) WS- 4.416 UAH/m3D- 3,00 UAH/m3 WS- 4.416 UAH/m3D- 3,00 UAH/m3 Dnipro-Kirovograd
Population living below the poverty line in the region No data No data  
Fees for servicesWS and D in the region for households with less affluent population (residing below the poverty level) No data No data  
Average disposable income of households (UAH/ year) 20 533,00 No data The management of statistics
Average total cost of households (UAH /year) 27 129,00 No data The management of statistics
The amount of public funds used to provideaffordability on prices for services of WS and D (UAH per capita of population) No data No data  



In December, 2013 it was accrued 71.8 million UAH to the population of the region for housing and utilities, which is on 5.5% less than in December, 2012. The level of payment for housing and communal services among the population including debt repayment for prior periods for the December, 2013 in Vilshanskiy, Haivoronskyy, Holovanivskiy, Dobrovelychkivskyi and Ulyanovskiy regions is higher than 100%.

Arrears of population for housing and communal services decreased from the beginning of the year by 2.6% and on the 1of January, 2014 the arrears amounted 135.5 mln UAH and medium term arrears of population for all services in December was 3.1 months. From the beginning of the year the debt declined in Kirovograd and in 15 districts of the region, most of all — in Svitlovodsk region (by 95.1%), Holovanivsk region  (by 65.3%), Onufrievsk region (by 47.5%), Bobrinetsk region (by 44.5%), Dobrovelychkivsk region (by 31.2%) and in Ustynivsk region (by 22.5%). Population of Kompanyiyivsk  and Novoarkhanhelsk regions and fully paid charging of the current period, partially repaid the debt for earlier periods and pre-paid for housing and utilities.

Arrears for central heating and hot water was 64.6 mln. UAH, maintenance of buildings, structures and adjacent territories — 32 mln. UAH, gas supply — 22,1 mln. UAH, water supply and sewerage — 16 mln. UAH, household waste removal — 0.8 mln. UAH.

In December, 2013 the population of the region paid for electricity consumed 23.7 mln UAH which is 4.8% more than in the corresponding month in 2012.

According to monitoring of poverty indicators held in 2012 by the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine indicator of poverty among workers at a relative criterion was 21.0%. The highest levels of poverty due to relative criterion had Ternopil (46.3%), Rivne (44.4%) and Kirovograd (42.1%) regions. http://www.fpsu.org.ua/napryamki-diyalnosti/sotsialnij-zakhist/1747-osnovni-pokazniki-rivnya-zhittya-naselennya-ta-bidnosti-v-ukrajini

Water supply «Dnipro-Kirovograd» is the longest in Ukraine (over 120 miles) so one of the biggest problem of the conduit is the high energy costs. Therefore, in Kirovograd there are the highest tariffs for water supply in Ukraine.

Considering that provision of the population with quality drinking water is one of the components of environmental security the concern invokes the fact that there are not created conditions for the inhabitants of the region to safe drinking water and sanitation in Kirovograd region and the proof is that the data of the State Statistical Office in Kirovograd region.

From an economic point of view for the inhabitants of Kirovograd region quality drinking water is becoming more inaccessible and converted into luxury. As reports site OKVP «Dnipro -Kirovograd» : http://dnipro-kirovograd.com.ua/index.php?p=main

According to the decision of the National Commission that implement  state regulation of public utilities from October 18, 2013 № 207, from November 2, 2013 companies impose such tariffs for water supply and sewerage for budgetary institutions and other users: centralized water supply — 5.292 UAH for 1 m3, central sewerage — 5.364 UAH for 1 m3 (now operates tariff on: water — 4.416 UAH for 1 m3 and on wastewater — 3,00 UAH for1 m3). For the population while the rate remains unchanged.