| Блог Gail

NGO FLORA is not the first year working with international funds and international NGOs and we have a successful experience of collaboration and communication with citizens of other countries and when we started to cooperate with the Peace Corps in Ukraine we knew that this would be another positive experience for us.

In June 2013 Corps Volunteer Gail Velyerays became a memeber of our team, we even didn’t imagine that that’s would be so cool! Gail brought into the organization so many interesting ideas, they helped us to reach the next level of development. Many Peace Corps volunteers who worked in Kirovograd rallied around Gale. We conducted together a lot of useful events for youth of Kirovohrad, e.g.: «Race of Health», «healthy eating week» , implemented the projects for community — installed filters to clean the water at schools and many-many other useful things we did together. Unfortunately, it became dangerous to stay in our country for US citizens, that’s why Gail and other volunteers were evacuated from Ukraine in February 2014.

But, in May of 2015 Peace Corps volunteers came back. Paul Brunson is good friend of Gail, and he works in Flora as a volunteer now.

 We continue to share ideas, how can we change the world for the better, and how can we help people.

As an extension of our cooperation we run on our website -blog. We will exchange opinions, information about our countries, and interesting facts on this blog.

We hope that the blog will become an information platform for those people who want to change the world for better!!